Leadership Forums
Leadership Forums
Monthly learning and sharing
The LKN Leadership Forum runs monthly, and intends to provide a space to share practice, learn from each other, and to share examples of how to embed improvements in day-to-day practice.
The LKN forum had remarkable contributions throughout the year from a wide variety of presenter on topics directly related to the LKN’s priority Workstreams. The Leadership Forum Program and structure were reviewed and formalised from January 2023.
Beyond the Bloods: Common Symptoms in Kidney Disease and How to Manage Them
26 June 2024
This event provided an opportunity to:
✔️ Learn about symptom prevalence
✔️ Hear practical ideas about how to manage them
✔️ Learn about the role of three allied heatlh professionals in symptom management
It covered
- Symptom Prevalence and Impact in renal disease- Lynsday Abdulnassir, Physio
- Breathing Practicality into Kidney-related Dyspnoea Management- Lynsday Abdulnassir, Physio
- Cognitive Impairment in Kidney Care- Lisa Ancliffe, OT
- Renal Resilience: Managing fatigue amongst people with kidney care needs- Laura Lew OT
- Dietary Approaches to Symptom Management- Katie Durman, Dietitian
“Thank you very much. Very practical steps”
“I really like the idea that things like diet, exercise, therapies, coping strategies, etc are ‘Prescribed’ so in the patients’ eyes they are given the same weight as Pharmacological Interventions/Medications”
How do Networks work, and why is it relevant to me? – George Delal and Stephen Cass
3 June 2024
This event provided an opportunity to:
✔️ Understand how Networks work
✔️ Think about the benefits of collaborative working
✔️ Consider where on the ‘ladder of engagment’ you are, and where you’d like to be
It covered
- How to engage with networks
- How to engage with the LKN
- How to contribute to the development of LKN relationships
“Such an interesting discussion”
Kidney Supportive Care in London
23 April 2024
This event provided an opportunity to:
✔️ Gain insight into the Supportive Care Workstream’s achievements to date
✔️ Consider how to apply their approach in your locality/speciality
✔️ Understand why the e-module is relevant to you
It covered
- Overview of the LKN Supportive Care Work in 2023-24- Dr Katie Vinen
- Supportive Care Audit; Collecting and reporting a novel data set- Dr Heather Brown
- Supportive Care and ACP (advanced Care Planning) e-module for Staff- Sarah Mackie
“These are great modules… I will promote with my colleagues”
“Fantastic work…data is the new oil and gold.”
Working with patients who have a learning disability – Marina Russ
26 February 2024
This event provided an opportunity to:
✔️ Define what a learning disability is
✔️ Consider what the population is
✔️ Consider how kidney services can better support people with learning disabilities
✔️ How case examples of good practice
It covered
- Understanding People with Learning Disabilities and Addressing Health Inequalities
- Navigating Challenges: Addressing Specific Concerns in Caring for Patients with Learning Disabilities and Kidney Disease
- Enhancing Care through Reasonable Adjustments: Strategies for Supporting People with Learning Disabilities
“Thank you so much Marina – really useful and I’ve learnt a lot”
“Thank you, really interesting and thought provoking.”
Clinical Information Group
27 November 2023
This event provided an opportunity to:
✔️ Learn about the UK Renal registry’s plans, including the daily date feed
✔️ Hear how to access and use the RSTP data dashboard
It covered
- Updates from the UK Renal Registry (UKRR), including UKRDC (Jame Metcalf and Joel Collins)
- RSTP Dashboard (Yogi Mistry)
“We are in for a much more data rich environment, and more accurate data. Thank you.”
Patient Partnership and Engagement (PPE) in the LKN
23 October 2023
This event provided an opportunity to:
✔️ Learn how the LKN has included patient represenation in our work so far
✔️ Hear from a Patient Rep
✔️ Hear about furture plans for PPE, including peer support
It covered
- Examples of LKN patient involvement
- Feedback and discussion from Health Care Professionals and Kidney Patients about how PPe makes a difference
- How peer support is already making a difference
“Brilliant presentations and discussion, thank you!”
“This is really fantastic! So valuable.”
Learning with the LKN Health Equities Expert Advisory Group
25 September 2023
This event provided an opportunity to:
✔️ Hear from paients how the cost of living crisis is affecting them
✔️ Learn what the LKN Health Equity group is doing to try to reduce inequalities
✔️ Hear from services outside London about how they’ve addressed inequalities
It covered
- The realities of living with a long term condition during a cost of living crisis
- Patient representatives, social care, voluntary sector, Health Professionals and NHS Organisations discussed real life examples
- Experiences of kidney health inequalities and service development to help in London and the North-East
“Very powerful 80 minutes – thank you”
“Thanks for a really interesting and varied meeting. Especially to Saeed for sharing his data about a different population and a slightly different approach in the NE.”
System Solutions for CKD – Improving outcomes across England
24 July 2023
This event provided an opportunity to:
✔️ Hear from Networks across the UK how they’re approaching Early Identification and Management of CKD
✔️ Learn about search tool options for Primary Care
✔️ Hear how Kidney Failure Risk Equation (KFRE) is being used in the North West
✔️ Hear about examples of CKD education
It covered
- Early Identification, Coding & Optimising Care and supporting implementation across London: Challenges & Lessons Learnt-
- CKD Identification: ‘Clinical Digital Resources Collaborative’ Searches in the North East & North Cumbria
- KFRE: Early lessons on routine reporting in the North West
- CKD Education, Interface & Engagement in the Midlands
“Thanks that’s really helpful.”
“I know that this will change prognosis and that is something, as a GP for 25 years, I want to see happen.”
Challenges and Opportunities for Young Adult Kidney Care
26 June 2023
This event provided an opportunity to:
✔️ Share examples of good practice from across London
✔️ Learn what the implication to renal service of the NCEPOD Transition from Child to Adult Heatlhcare report are
✔️ Discuss how we might work together to improve Young Adult services
It covered
- Implementation of a Young Adult kidney care pathway
- Service Development at Barts- Dr Andi Cove-Smith
- Why are Young Adults needs different and what should we be focusing on?- Dr Joyce Popoola
“Thank you…very good presentations.”
“Really nice to see the amount of engagement and interest and passion in this field.”
Focus on Kidney Transplantation
22 May 2023
This event provided an opportunity to:
✔️ Learn how services outside London have approached improving tranplant access by reducing service access barriers
It covered
- Health Inequalities and Access to Kidney Transplantation- Dr Adnan Sharif
- Inequalities and inequities through the entire patient pathway
- Options for reducing inequalities
- Insights and learning from Birmingham
“Thank you so much for such a brilliant presentation”
“Thank you …that was an amazing talk…and really kind of unifies the thinking we’ve already had.”
Focus on Supportive Care
24 April 2023
This event provided an opportunity to:
✔️ Consider how innovation in fraility and supportive care in Leeds can be implemented in London
✔️ Look beyond the medical options in fraility management to integrate rehabilitiation
✔️ Share work currently happening in London in Supportive Care
It covered
- Integrating Supportive Care in London- Dr Heather Brown and Dr Katie Vinen
- Value of Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment in AKCC to assess and Inform treatment Choices in Frail AKCC Patients- Dr Andrew Mooney
- Rehabilitation for people living with frailty and CKD- Dr Hannah Young
“Insightful and informative discussion on these critical topics”
Universal Care Plan (UCP)
27 March 2023
This event provided an opportunity to:
✔️ Learn about the UCP and it’s development from Co-ordinate My Care
✔️ Hear how the Supportive Care Workstream are intending to include UCP as an Avanced Care Planning tool
It covered
- Overview of UCP
- System Integration - Lucy Coller, Nick Tigere UCP NHS South West London ICB and Katherine Buxton – UCP, Consultant Palliative Care Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust
- London Kidney Network (LKN) plans for UCP , Heather Brown – LKN SC chair
“Amazing work! Look forward to hearing more about how we can ensure this is equitably available and used.”
“Excellent work and discussion!”
Home therapies – Peritoneal Dialysis
27 February 2023
This event provided an opportunity to:
✔️ Hear the LKN’s reponse to National Home Therapies reimbursement guidelines
✔️ Learn how Nurses are being included in the Workstream’s priority plans
✔️ Learn why improving access to PD access services is a priority for the Workstream
It covered
- Reimbursement of utility costs for patients dialysing at home, Richard Corbett – LKN PD Worsktream Chair
- Improving access to Peritoneal Dialysis, Bhrigu Sood – LKN PD Access Lead
- Multidisciplinary engagement in the home therapies, Katie Durman – LKN MDT Lead, and Babakang Shakoane PD Community senior sister KCH
“Really excellent work going on in this space and great discussion today. Thank you.”
“We’ve made fantastic progress with colleagues collaborating across London, and we’ve seen there is much work to do and we’ve probably sufficient content, expertise and knowledge to translate it into our units.”
Vascular Access
23 January 2023
This event provided an opportunity to:
✔️ Show-case the work of the VA Workstream
✔️ Share good practice examples from across London
✔️ Learn how a more granular VA dataset could be helpful
It covered
- LKN VA data pack- Peter Wilson – LKN BI Manager
- Implementation of VA pathway at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust- Natasha Shenton Deputy General Manager Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust
- Dialysis Access – Barts EPR based pathway pilot- Ben Lindsey, LKN VA Chair
“from a practical perspective I welcome the idea of the EPR , from a referral point making it so much easier and succinct to the end point you can exactly what specific stage is still outstanding, and I truly welcome the day where we can adopt this across all vascular access nursing. It will our life so much easier.”