Preventing Progression

Peritoneal Dialysis

Young Adults

Vascular Access


Supportive Care

Clinical Information Group

Health Equity Group

QI Faculty

Patient Partnership and Engagement


Demand & Capacity

LTC network integration

Rob Elias

Clinical Lead

Andrew Frankel

Senior Clinical Advisor

Ravi Rajakariar

Deputy Clinical Lead


Patient Partnership and Engagement

  • Placing patients and experts by experience at the centre 
  • Patients in each workstream, with structured development
  • Promoting peer support
  • Responding to PREMS and PROMS
  • Tiered approach to allow optimal input from multiple user groups
  • Creating patient resources to empower decision making
  • Collaborating with local community groups, faith leaders

Health Equity

  • Seeking to improve population health across London
  • Evidence based approach through LKN Equity Audit 2022
  • Using data to highlight equity gaps and improvement opportunity
  •  Creating a tool-kit to support improved equity day-to-day
  • Development of patient-held equity passport
  • Encouraging Equity Pledges 

Creating an empowered workforce

  • Mapping workforce needs across end-to-end kidney pathways (with HEE and NHSE)
  • Supporting development of renal clinicians as system leaders
  • Creating a QI Faculty and coaching
  • Renal  medical trainees & GP Fellows in each workstream 
  • Developing education modules to address confidence & competence
  • Supporting  GP training to better manage renal disease

Kidney Data Strategy

  • Agreeing minimum standards for data capture and reporting
  • Working with LHDS to Integrate primary and secondary care data 
  • Sharing data across ICSs to identify QI potential issues
  • Demand/capacity analysis to inform resilience and future commissioning risk strategy
  • Align with UKKA and Renal Registry developments


  • LKN Board oversight 
  • Accountability to National CRG, London NHSE and ICBs
  • Support 6 ICS localised renal/LTC networks with shared priorities & workplan
  • LKN workplan to assure delivery of  national CRG/RSTP and GIRFT plans
  • Supporting specialised commissioning delegation

Patient Partnership and Engagement

  • Toolkit developed to enable more meaningful PPIE
  • Patient forum to increased numbers working with LKN attended by over 100 people
  • Over 200 patients signed up to stay in touch with LKN work
  • Developing Peer Support work in co

Health Equity

  • LKN Health Equity Audit 2022 published 
  • Clear examples of unwarranted variation shown 
  • Multi-professional workshop, including patients, prioritised issues and agreed solutions
  • Identified  improvement priorities embedded within each Workstream
  • Health Care Professional training module development on target

Creating an empowered workforce

  • Over 300 sign-ups to CKD webinar for GPs; feedback that it immediately changed practice
  • Young Adult training for renal trainees being developed
  • Health Care Professional training module on supportive care and advanced care planning  on target

Kidney Data Strategy

  • LKN Data pack including ICS dashboard published quarterly
  • LKN Demand and Capacity model in use – financial savings – supporting delegation
  • Collaborated with clinical experts to agree pathway metrics to show impact of QI in 2023-24


  • Workplans mapped against RSTP and GIRFT
  • Local renal networks developing  in each ICS
  • Links established with ICS LTC teams
  • Workplans link national, regional and local priorities for delivery
  • Engaged with Population Health Improvement Collaboration

April 2022

PPIE lead started full time, leading to a more patient centred approach to our work


Hosted a Green Nephrology Event, promoting greener ways of working and kick-starting work with dialysis technicians to reduce water waste.


30 people joined an exploratory event to discuss how LKN could begin to work to address AKI in London

PD Nursing Event gathered expert nursing view on PD workforce, and started work on the PD Nursing Workforce report and recommendation.


CKD Early Identification & Optimisation Pathways launched via webinar.

Health Equity Audit published.


Home therapies reimbursement guidelines completed and shared for implementation.


In-person event for 70 professionals and patients, with keynote speech from Matthew Syed, focused on cognitive diversity and learning from mistakes.

Online questionnaire showed significant gap in trainee renal doctors understanding of young adult care.


Vascular Access timed pathways launched.

Supportive Care and Advanced Care Planning pathways completed and shared for implementation.

January 2023

First LKN Transplant Collaborative Meeting.

Young adult patient survey highlighted service gaps and best practice.


Psychosocial Round Table hosted to agree how to embed psychosocial care into LKN work.

CESEL integrated LKN CKD Pathways into their official CKD Guidelines,


Supported ICS bids for Renal 3Ps programme, worth £10m 

Coding CKD in Primary Care Guidelines launched across London via a webinar.


