
LKN Data and Metrics

Health Equity Audit (HEA) 2022
Data and Metrics
London Kidney Data: Providing renal services across 32 London Boroughs & Surrey
Data in the LKN
At the heart of decision-making and improvement planning
The LKN data pack collates a number of high-level metrics that are, where available, nationally recognised methods of evaluating how effectively renal care is being delivered.
It is important to recognise that these metrics do not convey all of the nuance and complexity within the services and that, although we utilise these measures as part of our wider service improvement work, the quality of individual patient care cannot be directly inferred from these metrics.
There are a variety of challenges and operational obstacles that can result in lower than desired metric outcomes and there can be many instances of exceptional care and practice that do not result in material data improvement. We use the data to help understand and overcome these obstacles and challenges while celebrating and sharing the good practice.
Q3 2024
View Data Pack
Q2 2024
View Data Pack
Q1 2024
View Data Pack
Q4 2023
View Data Pack
How does London compare to agreed targets and to national average in key metrics?
Our workstreams’ aims, objectives and workplans have been developed to support our renal centres to
- Reach targets set by RSTP and GIRFT, and
- Deliver measurable quality improvement across London
RRT Demand capacity
Demand for renal replacement therapy has increased steadily over the last five years. In 2021/22 we showed that likely demand in 5- and 10-years times will outstrip capacity by around 700 patients, equivalent to a unit the size of King’s College Hospital.
We worked with units and ICSs in 2022-23 and 2023-24 to develop solutions, including through improvements in transplantation pathways and CKD early detection and management.
In 2023-24 we developed a Kidney DOM (dialysis occupancy measure) which is a standard and consistant measure of in-centre haemodialysis (ICHD. It acts as a simple easy to measure and easy to report proxy indictator of clinical safety, patient experience and service resilience.
We will continue to develop and use the Kidney DOM in 2024-25 to support local ICHD capacity management and to support other Kidney Networks to implement it’s use.
London Kidney Network equity audit: key findings
Equity of access, quality and outcomes – baseline assessment (pre-COVID, adults)

Inequities found:
Older people and Peritoneal Dialysis / transplant
Younger people and outpatient attendance / late presentation

Inequities found:
Women and CKD diagnosis / RRT
Young men and outpatient attendance / late presentation

Socio-economic status
Inequities found:
Patients from more deprived areas and:
- Late presentation
- Outpatient attendance
- Transplant
- Peritoneal Dialysis

Inequities found:
Ethnic groups other than white and outpatient attendance / transplant

On all equity metrics there was wide variation between renal centres or Integrated Care Board areas.
Health Equity Audit (HEA)
In 2022, the LKN Health Equity Group conducted a baseline equity assessment of access to, and outcomes of, renal care pathway services across the network. You can download each of the equity packs for each part of the care pathway here.