Kidney Care and Patient Involvement

Find out more about chronic kidney disease and how you can get involved with the LKN.

Clinical Workstreams

We have 6 workstreams to lead and support improvements in kidney care across London.

Expert Advisory Groups

We have Expert Advisory Groups to support the clinical workstreams.


Find out about kidney services data across London.

July Newsletter

July Newsletter

July NewsWelcome to our July newsletter. This month we focus on UK Kidney Week, held in Edinburgh from 04-06 June  We were thrilled to showcase so much LKN work, and to see people from across the UK acknowledging the tremendous effort that so many of you have made. ...

June Newsletter

June Newsletter

Welcome to our early June Newsletter. Meet our team, and read about Patient Partnership and Engagement in the LKN. We meet Sarah, LKN PPE Lead, and Den, KCUK Peer Support and Volunteering Manager for London.

May Newsletter

May Newsletter

Welcome to our May Newsletter. Meet Rob, our Clinical Lead, and read about the events, fora and workshops we’ve hosted recently. We hope you enjoy it, and if you weren’t one of the 250 people who attended workshops this time, or of the 90 who joined our leadership fora, that you’ll be able to join us for future events.