Kieran McCafferty

Clinical Co-Chair, CKD Prevention Workstream, Nephrologist, Barts Health NHS Trust

Linda Tarm

Clinical Co-Chair, CKD Prevention Workstream

” I have been a patient at Guy’s hospital since 2013 when I unexpectedly crash landed onto Guy’s renal wards and was diagnosed with stage 4 CKD. Since then I have experienced only a slow deterioration in my kidney function and have lived a happy, active, healthy life. WIth my experiences of running my own adult swim coaching business, combined with my own kidney journey, I am inspired to help improve LKN’s prevention processes. I hope that in doing so, others can also take an active approach to their kidney health management, delaying end stage renal failure for as long as possible too”

Andrew, Patient Rep, Preventing Progression

LKN CKD Early Identification Pathway

The Kidney Health Check for Adults Living with Diabetes or Hypertension – How to identify Chronic Kidney Disease early!

LKN CKD Optimisation Pathway

In adults with Type 2 diabetes and CKD (eGFR 20-90ml/min/1.73m2)

LKN CKD Optimisation Pathway

In adults without Type 2 diabetes, with CKD (eGFR 20-45ml/min/1.73m2 irrespective of the presence of albuminuria or eGFR 45-90ml/min/1.73m2 and uACR>22.6mg/mmol)

Guidelines on CKD Coding in Primary Care

London Kidney Network Expert Consensus

Interpreting uACR
& eGFR results

For clinicians

Primary Care Resources Package 

Helpful Patient Information Package

Sick Day Medication Guidance in CKD

The North West London (NWL) consortium led a project with the London Kidney Network to identify and tackle the CKD related challenges facing primary care and patients. Click here to learn more about how the project was delivered and access the resources for patients and primary care.